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  • 第 12 届全球重型动力总成峰会延期举办通知

    2022-11-23 16:44:02 来源: 中国路面机械网



原定于 2022 年 11 月 29-30 日在中国上海举办的第 12 届全球重型动力总成峰会将延期至 2022 年 12 月 19-20 日举行,地点不变。鉴于最近新冠疫情在全国多个省市社会面多点散发,为更好地配合相关政府部门做好疫情防控工作,切实保障参展、参会效果以及所有与会者的健康安全,在充分听取各方意见后,经组委会审慎研究后作出以上延期决定。


12th Global Heavy Duty Powertrain Summit Postponed Notice

Dear All,Notice is hereby given that the 12th Global Heavy Duty Powertrain Summit, scheduled on Nov. 29-30, 2022 was postponed on Dec. 19-20, 2022 in Shanghai China.

In view of the recent spread of the COVID- 19 epidemic in many provinces and cities across the country, in order to better cooperate with the relevant government departments to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, effectively ensure the effect of participation and the health and safety of all participants, in fully listening to the views of all parties, the Organizing Committee made the above decision of postponement after careful consideration.If you have booked the air ticket, high-speed train ticket and hotel, please cancel in time.We apologize for any inconveniences this decision may cause.Any other inquiries, please contact with me at any time.

Organizing Committee of the Conference:大会组委会:

发函日期:2022 年 11 月 21 日 Date. Nov.21st ,2022




